Welcome to the Sennett Family Reunion Website!
Gary asked me to work on this right after last year’s event and it only took me about 8 months to do anything about getting it started. I consider it my good fortune to have been born into the Sennett family. I have so many memories of being harassed by my uncles, nurtured by my aunts and entertained by my cousins (I always felt the Eckert girls would have been great stand-up comics). It is a testament to our parents that oh this many years later we still get together despite other obligations and great distances. Thank you to Carol, Donny, and Gary for getting the reunion restarted. I do not know what brought these three cousins together for dinner last winter but I thank the powers that made that happen.
KISS, Keep It Simple Sennetts is the reunion theme. Lunch is catered and grilled hot dogs are provided for dinner before everyone packs up to leave. All we have to do is get to the park and bring some drinks. Although if you want to bring a dessert that is not only okay but is encouraged. Last year the food was awesome but we missed the variety of sweets that most of us grew to expect at a Sennett Reunion.
The birth of this website was only possible with the help of my daughters-in-law, Alli (Lincoln’s wife) and Becca Hanke (Zach’s wife). Both have professional social media experience and they stepped up to help, actually, they did the whole thing, I made one phone call because I am lucky I can maintain an Instagram account! We wanted to get something up and running for this year’s RSVPs. In the future, we may be adding other exciting features!
Hope to see you in June!